
Our story begins many moons ago (February 2008-April 2008) our great leader Polycrates had a vision: a coalition of free nations ruled through democracy by a council appointed by himself that would always listen to the will of the people and such the Ionian Alliance was born.
Like all the true leaders of those times he took upon himself the job of General, Home Secretary and Diplomat. These were dark times of which the writer, who was born (registered) towards the end of them, does not have much knowledge.

The Days of Awakening

During the early days I stumbled upon what was a small coalition of merchants, scholars, builders and warriors. This sounded special so I decided to join them and as a result I became one of the first member states of the Ionians. During this time key members of the alliance joined, Ilumm, Haggis, Hebe, Efkit, Aurora Caerulea, all of whom helped shape and guide the alliance through many stages of development. Our First General (Ilumm) was to be superseded in that position by one of the great minds in terms of tactics, Aurora Caerulea, (General and afterward Diplomat) and our first Home Secretary Kevinocles,who was succeeded by Mister_Y. These were the people that recruited some of our first members and who led us in the first battles. People such as Haggis, Kevinocles and Llorn were here with us and helped us grow.

A test of Honor

Our first Test of Fire came when the war with MKSH was imminent. At that time our general was Haggis. This all started with a Petertr assault on a member of our alliance and further mocking of us. We swiftly decided to defend our honor and appease the gods by starting a war against this alliance. The war ended after about a month during which most of the MKSH either joined us or became inactive. We passed the test of fire with full honors and became a force that actually mattered in this world and was respected by the gods as opposed to our opponents who refused to even answer our calls to battle. This victory, combined with the changes introduced to our world by the appearance of 0.2.8, brought upon us a new epoch. A team was already formed which consisted of our great General Haggis, our esteemed Diplomat Efkit (who replaced Aurora Caerulea), our hard-working Home Secretary Hebe (who replaced Mister_Y), Ilumm and Polycrates, the person who keeps us all bound together.

The Glory Days

Why “Glory Days”? Due to all our achievements during that period. That was when our entire Ranking System was put into place. This was when our leadership team further stabilized and we became a very cohesive and strong group. This was when we grew in rank and respect throughout the Alpha server. During this entire period the forum increased in size and importance, allowing the base of our alliance to prosper and gave us the ability to improve our communications further. That was when we first implemented the Lieutenants and Captains system which proved an excellent way to bring strength to all corners of our alliance, we have member states in all reaches of the alpha server. This glory era came to an end with the introduction of a new version of the game in 0.3.1. At this time the Leadership of the alliance went through a few changes, our Home Secretary and Generals positions changed around this time, (both difficult roles to fill) but through the contacts our leader has in all areas of Alpha we found some perfect replacements in the form of Suzanne, and Widowmaker. The rest of the leadership remained the same (Polycrates, Efkit, and Ilumm). Time passed and our ranks began to swell once again and the decision was made to expand our alliance recruiting and form a training alliance to help new players become accustomed to the Ionian ways. The decision was made and a trusted member of ION (JamCool) founded ION-p, our forum expanded, our ranks continued to swell, at one point we had near 250 members between both alliances. The Ionians have always been a group of independent cities, this has always been one of our strengths, however this was about to test the alliance to the core.